Update + Wipe Day is here!

Update + Wipe Day is here!

Today is the day unlike any other day in the month. Most of the servers tend to do wipes every week or every other week, but Rust forces a wipe every first Thursday of the month.

We have to believe to it. And although it may be a hassle (starting all over), it’s good for overall server performance and actual living of maps. 90% of the bases could be raided, leaving entities which fill up the server resources. We are having a bit trouble with it for the last couple of months and so do other servers. Rust is still in an Alpha phase and tweaks are done weekly to make sure everything runs as smooth as possible.

We’ve got some more info and images on tonights update, which will be launched as always between 20:00 and 23:00 CET.

Holster display
As stated in yesterdays update, holster displays will be added. This could be fun as people can see what kind of guns you have in your pocket (or on your back) without you equipping it. Like Rustafied says: yes, if sneaking up on people, naked, with a pipe shotgun yelling ‘friendly’ is your thing, this may suck. Beyond that, we can finally see what someone is armed with, and react accordingly.

More snow (in Procedural)!
As with many forced wipes, there are some changes in store for procedural map generation. Most exciting this month is the increase in snow zones! Andre has added more winter zones while decreasing the size of the desert.

Monuments around the map look a bit more rustic this week with the addition of overgrowth. A project several weeks in the making, overgrowth adds various plants and shrubbery to the different dungeons and monuments across the Rust landscape.

More room for loot
The natural cave system has increased in value as loot spawns have been added throughout. We can also find loot in caves now!

Also, maps on 3k and less will not have big mountains anymore. Think about it, a 1k map with just one big mountain will get you run out of options very soon.

When are we updating?
As soon as the update hits tonight, we will announce this on Twitter. After that, we will restart our servers to update the servers. Some small changes will be made to several plugins at the same time. Servers should be back up within 30 minutes. After that, restart and update your Rust client. Otherwise you won’t be able to join again!

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