Storage lockers are in!

Storage lockers are in!

We are already counting down to the next Rust update. This Thursday, storage lockers will be in our game. There will be no wipe on our servers.

The Rust developers hinted to us that storage lockers would be. They were already working on it before last weeks wipe, but it was not possible to add it in time.

This Thursday, they are definitely in. The locker allows you to store a total of 36 items. There will be a ‘swap’ button in between 12 items in the locker, so you can swap items out. Like vending machines, they can only be placed on foundation or floor blocks. Also, as you probably guessed, lockers accept code locks just like other storage.

The cost for lockers: 100 metal frags and 50 wood. The normal crafting time is set to 30 seconds.

Other changes

Furthermore, the devs were working hard on several other changes and fixes. The crossbow now has a working world model. There are new silencer smoke fx when shooting and several other tweaks to guns have been made.

The devs fixed a memory leak for skins. At the same time, a cvar has been created to disable skins. Players can use ‘itemskins 0’ in console to disable new skins. Already created skins will still see those skins, so it’s better to use it shortly before a (forced) wipe.

Fish now provides animal fat ánd shopfronts no longer blocks wall placement on triangle foundations.

Our servers will restart once the server update is out this Thursday. Possibly between 21:00 and 23:00 CET, depending on the release of the Rust developers.

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