Fixes and tweaks in this weeks update

Fixes and tweaks in this weeks update

With the big update of last week, we expect no new additions in the upcoming update. Lots of fixes and tweaks though…

Last weeks update brought us the new AI system. Works well considering they needed one extra week to finalize and make it playable, but there are certain things which are kind of annoying at least. Every server owner knows it: starting up the server could take a while with lots of entities floating around. After this new nasmesh, it turns out to be taking a lot longer to start up. Main cause is: the server is calculating all the waypaths for animals and stuff.

Developers changed this and made it that the nashmesh is loading while the server is running. The settings ‘nav_wait’ and ‘nav_disable’ are added this week. The first will set it so that the server will load and calculate the navmesh the first minutes of server startup (this could give some lag for the first couple of minutes), while the second setting disables the whole navmesh. This disabled the movements of animals completely. However, for battlefield servers, this should not be a problem.

Boosting kicks
Sometimes you could be kicked from the server for violations when you were being boosted by someone’s head. The in-game antihack system has been tweaked, so this should not be an issue anymore.

It was possible to shoot through a small slat in a door. The stone doorway looks ‘bigger’ than the door itselve, making it possible to shoot under it. This has been fixed.

Other fixes
– Some viewmodel tweaks have been made
– Fixed being able to drop items between icons
– Fixed issue with players being culled when looking over a low wall

See you tomorrow!

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