09/11: Downtime, hair, workbenches and nailgun nerf

09/11: Downtime, hair, workbenches and nailgun nerf

Several of our services were downed by the large OVH outage, but everything seems to be up and running again. Getting to the changes of tonights update…

We will finally be seeing some hair. Hair was already in for a few weeks, but only for admins to spawn in. We were happy to make us of it by giving some hair in the auto spawn kits, but that meant a clothing slot was needed. Now everyone has hair (also in places more below the belt) and a clothing slot is not needed anymore.

Like race and gender, each player gets randomly assigned a hairstyle. Along with a fresh do, character models now also have a bit of bushel under the arms, in their nether regions, and if lucky, on their face. Also, as in real life, some people are still bald.

There is still work to be done, so don’t blame yourself when you are becoming an ugly creature.

There’s a new way to get blueprints: workbench experimentation. Just bring scrap to the workbench and run an experiment to get a blueprint from that tier. There’s not original item required.

The current scrap costs are:
Level 1 workbench: 100 scrap
Level 2 workbench: 300 scrap
Level 3 workbench: 1000 scrap

This could be changed before the update launches. I can imagine modded servers will also change these values as soon as possible, since it’s easy to get (many) scrap on some servers.

Since the addition of nailguns, there was a fancy new way of taking down wood doors. Changes have been made, as from tonight, wooden structures won’t be affected by nails anymore. Nailgun nails won’t disappear anymore; you can pick them up just like arrows and use them again.

What else?
Garage door and nailgun sounds have been polished and the flame turret can no longer be locked.

Expect some more in the coming hours.

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