Dear Rust fans,
The last couple of months we saw that having an active playerbase on our own servers was a bit of a hassle. Last year, there was a stable playerbase of 100-150 people. Besides of other Rust servers we actively manage, we need to make time for our own servers as well. The world changes and we need to keep up with that.
Therefore, starting from the next forced wipe (which will be Thursday evening), we will disable EASY PROCEDURAL and focus ourselves on EASY SERVER, making it a bi-weekly wiped server, switching between Procedural and Barren (and giving the fact that Hapis is having some nice changes, maybe Hapis also). We think that we need to focus on making this a perfect server again, looking at medium to high pop, nice and stable gameplay and of course nice extras.
Please give us a note about what we can do to make this server a good one.
Please note, we will also stay up with EASY USA for now, since we see that there is a stable USA-based playerbase. When we found a good solution for EASY SERVER, we will probably copy the configuration for our USA-based server so everything is the same making gameplay a lag-free fun environment.