29/06/2017 – New in this weeks update
This could be a nice update. After last weeks little one – because some devs were sick and on vacation – we can expect some Rust-life-changing changes today.
(Note: as always after big changes in Rust, after tonights update, some plugins could be lost. Please be patient as the developers will need some time to update the plugins)
First of all, we’re gonna see some changes in the ‘life after death’. Dead bodies now turn into backpacks after 5 minutes. This means that the loot you had on you will be there for a little longer. The switch to backpacks increases performance and allows for longer despawn times.
Downside? Bodies are more visible, but on grassy places, it could be fairly difficult to see a small backpack on the ground.
And, it looks like we’re going to see some changes in ores: metal nodes only give metal, Stone only give stone, sulfur only gives sulfur. 20% finishing bonus, single HQM bonus for metal nodes. We’ll see how this looks like soon.
Also in this update
A few changes to dropped items. They will no longer ‘slide away’ and the total despawn time is now based on rarity of an item. The rarer the item, the longer it takes to despawn.
For example: a rock or stone hatchet will despawn really quickly: after 5 minutes. Same goes for the hunting bow. Sulfur, rockets and pistol bullets will disappear after ~20 minutes and rifle bullets, gun powder and semi automatic rifles will despawn after 40 minutes. C4, AK and explosives will despawn after 1 hour.
Helk has implemented all new explosion effects. These fresh blasts appear bigger, more realistic, and send particles and smoke out in a new, better looking way. To accompany this new FX, a screen shake effect has been added to the first person view for anyone in the vicinity of detonation. Also grenades have been improved. They no longer slide all over the place, they only tumble. Along with that, their bounciness has been reduced. All in all, it should be easier to toss grenades where you intend.